Mary with her new purse, headband and necklace. All dressed up and ready to go.

Jacob with his newest cousin.

Michelle and Reagan by the Christmas Tree.

My favorite picture of the day.

Nathan, note my DH in the background doing dishes. He's a good man!


It was a white Christmas! Dallas was smoothing out the snow with a rake he found - or something.

Tim was sick, so he spent his time in isolation playing on the computer in my office.

Mom putting on the dinner. Green beans with garlic and butter.

The cousins table was mighty slim this year. My children were kind of lost without their cousin age mates around. It was quieter, but less people to play games with.

Anita, Sadie and Nathan

Playing with Ian's new toy.

Some Christmas Carols and hymns were sung

Ian spent much of the day playing with a hanger. Not sure what his fascination was with it, but he really liked it.
Looks like a good time was had by all. BTW, the cousins here missed the cousins there too!!