Everyone was getting ready for the big event to start.

There were two design groups this year, a Bible theme and a race car theme. THe one with the blue on the sides was T-Bob's. It was Moses leading the children across the Red Sea. The one with the light's on is Paul's Race Car theme. It did come in first for speed.

If you look close in the back row, there is Michelle's Herbie car that she entered in the race car division. It is fourth from the left. It didn't win a judge's prize, but it was the crowd's favorite. She put hours and hours into making it. I think it had 3 or 4 different paint jobs.

More cars

and more cars.

and more cars.

This was Michelle's winning entry. It is in the middle. It is Moses in the basket in the bulrushes. The basket does open and there is a baby inside. She also made the car next to it for Elizabeth. She put on it the verse, "Go to the Ant ye sluggards" It had three ants and a piece of watermelon that she made out of clay. It was also very cool.

Some volunteers served pizza to all the families that came. There was quite a bit left over.

The official AWANA race track. Four cars can race at once.

The children were really into watching the races. Especially when their car was going down.

Daniel manned the starting gate.

The winners!

Younger winners.

The old guy winners

A close up of Paul's car that won first place for speed. The trophy next to it is Elizabeth's trophy for her speech performance. They don't match but it's fun.